" 10 Morning Habits Geniuses use Everyday

10 Morning Habits Geniuses use Everyday

10 Morning Habits Geniuses use Everyday

10 Morning Habits Geniuses Use Everyday 

Have you ever wondered what makes geniuses so productive and successful in their daily lives? It turns out that the secret to their success lies in their morning routines.

By starting their day with healthy and productive habits, geniuses can set the tone for a day full of focus and creativity. In this article, we'll explore 10-morning habits that geniuses use every day, and how you can adopt them to achieve success in your own life.

Whether you're looking to improve your productivity, creativity, or overall well-being, these habits will surely set you on the path to success. So let's dive in and learn from the habits of some of the world's most successful people!

1. Freedom From Distraction 

Do you watch TV in the morning? Do you browse social media over breakfast detractors may be a regular part of your morning routine a few seconds on your phone seems harmless, but the world's most intelligent people think otherwise geniuses avoid all distractions in the morning when eating breakfast.

For example, geniuses don't distract themselves, it's fun to watch an episode of TV in the morning, but you're doing much more harm than good watching TV clouds your mind and it shatters your concentration it leads you down an unproductive path because it starts your morning with lazy habits when you distract yourself in the morning you make it harder to build momentum usually productive habits snowball into a more productive mindset.

If you start the day with a bad habit, it creates negativity from the get-go so what do geniuses do instead geniuses use their mornings to open up their minds over breakfast they take the time to enjoy their food reflect on the day before, and set goals for the day to come they use these quiet moments to heighten their concentration instead of zoning out geniuses use their mornings to zone in.

2. Routine Exploration

A genius is not born a genius is made to be a genius, you have to spend your life in pursuit of knowledge mastery and excellence, and that requires you to learn constantly and passionately you have to nurture a fearless curiosity and feed your brain a constant stream of inspiration but how do you do all this daily.

It's a lot easier than it sounds geniuses build their brains by learning every morning they set aside one hour to explore a new subject and during this block of time they read, listen to podcasts and they get creative they'll catch up on the news or dive into any subjects that fascinate them exploring new subjects may feel intimidating it may seem out of your reach but geniuses don't learn everything overnight they grow their knowledge by turning exploration into a daily routine and you can do the same.

3. Purest Priorities

Do you have a long list of things you want to accomplish does your to-do list go on for pages and pages, many of us are overflowing with goals, habits, and ideas our minds are cluttered our dreams are scattered we want to achieve everything but when we try to achieve everything well, we achieve nothing no matter how intelligent you are you cannot accomplish 10 dreams at once your energy will fade and your performance will suffer across the board.

Geniuses take a purist approach to their goals in other words, they cut their to-do lists down to a select few goals instead of aspiring for everything geniuses pick two or three things and then commit all of their time to those few goals, but how do you incorporate a purist mentality into your routine at the start of every morning, grab a pen and a piece of paper on that piece of paper write down two things that you will accomplish today not things you want to accomplish not things you should accomplish but two things that you will accomplish.

Now those two things are your only objectives if everything else falls by the wayside if the world comes crumbling at your feet you will get those two priorities done now when you trim down your priorities you give yourself a clear path to follow, you know where to direct your time and energy and that gives you confidence don't waste your time with long rambling to-do lists think like a genius and refine your priorities.

4. Record Your Dreams

How often do you remember your dreams most people forget their dreams within seconds, but you can learn a lot from your dreams they teach you more about your emotions.

They force you to think more profoundly about your past, and they expand your creativity with new combinations and connections because dreams have so much value geniuses keep a dream journal right after they wake up they write down as many details as they can remember.

Now at first, you may not remember much from your dreams, you may recall only a few random details, but with practice, your dream recall will get sharper your journal entries will get more detailed and you'll get a glimpse into your own subconscious.

5. Create Your Flow

This ritual is not an activity or a healthy habit, it's a state of mind that stimulates your brain throughout the day hyper intelligent people design routines with their brains in mind.

They want to be as efficient and productive as possible so they use their mornings to create something called flow, flow is a lot like momentum it builds upon itself over time, but there's an important distinction between the two concepts flow capitalizes on the organization of your brain.

It stimulates increased performance by shutting off portions of the brain that you don't need when finding your flow you shut down anxious and scared centers of the brain you shut down the areas that crave distractions and make impulsive decisions in their place you activate the most productive and rational parts of your brain when you find your flow you'll notice a huge boost in both concentration and performance.

Geniuses create their flow right when they wake up they train their brains with a stable routine that creates their flow day after day at first you may struggle to find your flow if you do fine-tune your schedule create a routine that fits your strengths and preferences eventually you'll discover the secret to effortless productivity.

6. Nourish Your Brain  

Geniuses use nourishing tea blends to improve memory and concentration according to a 2008 study in the Journal of biological psychology.

Green tea has several neurological benefits it decreases mental fatigue increases cognitive performance and it even speeds up your reaction time Genius takes advantage of these powerful benefits and that's why they add tea consumption to their daily routine by energizing your brain.

You start every day feeling nourished and ready to perform exercises and eating healthy is also a great way to make sure you feel good during the day to be sure to incorporate healthy exercise and healthy eating habits into your lifestyle this will ensure your mind and body are prepared for your daily challenge.

7. Write About Yourself

Journaling is a well-studied habit with several applications, it's a place to record and store your thoughts a place to release all the ideas swirling around your brain for a genius this is invaluable because their journal becomes a collection of important ideas feelings, and perspectives.

It's a priceless asset they use to navigate the day and learn more about themselves so set aside 15 minutes to write down your thoughts you don't have to say anything special and you don't have to share your journal with anyone even if you have nothing to say a journal can help you unravel your thoughts and start your day on a high note.  

8. Elite Mastery

Geniuses don't want to be okay at something they want to be great they want to be amazing and that requires an incredible amount of time it takes about 10 years to gain a working mastery over any skill or subject, but even after 10 years you won't know everything you'll compete with the best but you'll always be learning to a genius mastery is the minimum that's why geniuses pursue mastery every day.

They never let anything distract them from their journey they put in the time and the effort and that's how they rise to the top of their fields in your own way make mastery part of your daily routine get better and better until one day you're the best.  

9. Day Stacking 

How do geniuses stay organized not every genius is an organized person some creative minds flourish in messy environments, but there's a big difference between creative clutter and a big disastrous mess, so how do geniuses keep their messes under control one technique is called the daily three every day no matter what put three items back in the correct place your goal isn't to clean your whole house.

You probably won't notice a difference, but you'll slowly reduce clutter, creating a less stressful environment if you use this technique every day your messes will never spiral out of control now this trick does more than just clean it exemplifies.

Another lifestyle habit that geniuses use all the time this habit is called day stacking now day stacking is very simple a bunch of small things done frequently outweigh a few big things done infrequently in other words, don't try to accomplish everything in one sitting don't save your messes for one big day of cleaning instead just chip away at your work and save yourself from a mountain of stress. 

10. The One Percent Rule 

The one percent rule is like day stacking many geniuses use the one percent rule, it's an efficient way to learn using small, frequent improvements all right, let's say you want to learn a new subject you could try to learn everything about that subject in one day but instead of growing your knowledge you just tire yourself out after 24 hours.

You're so exhausted you lose interest entirely you'd be surprised how often this happens so don't fall into this trap, don't try to grow your knowledge by one hundred percent in one sitting instead try to improve by just one percent, yeah, get a little bit better every single day learn a little bit more or go a little bit further individually, each improvement will not look like much but altogether you're growing by leaps and bounds hey thanks for watching top think and be sure to subscribe because more incredible content is on the way.


It is evident that successful and intelligent individuals start their day with a set of productive and healthy habits that set the tone for a day full of focus and creativity. We have explored 10-morning habits that geniuses use every day, including avoiding distractions, exploring new subjects, prioritizing goals, recording dreams, and creating a flow state of mind. Adopting these habits can help you achieve success in various aspects of your life, including productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. By making these habits a part of your daily routine, you can learn from the habits of some of the world's most successful people and set yourself on the path to success.

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