" Top 10 Things You Need to Give Up to Be Successful in Life

Top 10 Things You Need to Give Up to Be Successful in Life

There's never been a better time to look back on your life and reflect on the accomplishments you achieved. It's also important to consider any setback you had, and how it helped you grow. Reflecting on your past experiences, achievements and learning will help you determine the goals you hope to achieve in the future. 

Whether you find yourself setting the goal post higher, or just aiming to stay consistent with your goals, you want to make sure to avoid certain things and behaviors to see success. 

Here are 10 things to leave behind for you to succeed in the future.

1. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

How Your goals are completely different than someone else's, your life is completely different than anyone else's, too. President Theodore Roosevelt once said, "Comparison is the thief of joy." When we compare ourselves to others, we make ourselves feel inadequate and unworthy.

When we realize that we are enough and have the means to accomplish our goals, we will no longer feel bad about our journey. We will only then realize that comparing ourselves to others will only distract us from our journey. 

2. Achieve Your Life Goals

Your goals are completely different from someone else's, so there's no need to compare goals. Instead, focus on how you can achieve your goals and move on to the next ones.

3. Avoid Procrastination

Similar to giving excuses, procrastinating stops us from reaching our goals. Instead of holding off on your work until the last minute, or pushing it off continuously, take accountability for it and get it done. We only see success when we take action and do something. 

4. Seeking permission From Others

If you wait for someone to permit you to succeed, You will be waiting forever. Don't wait for someone to tell you what you can do. Instead, show them what you're capable of. Take ownership of your life and your goals. Permit yourself to go for it. 

5. Being Grateful

Always be grateful for what you have in this life. Practicing gratitude is proven to improve positive thinking and mental health overall. Even if there are times you are unhappy, use that as motivation to learn from the past and improve your situation. 

6. Time Spent on social media

The average person spends around 150 minutes a day on social media. Many spend even more than that. While catching up with your friends and favorite celebrities online can be a fun and entertaining hobby, it can quickly turn into a mind-numbing and time-consuming activity if not regulated.

If we don't manage our time on social media wisely, we can watch as productive hours pass us by as our eyes stay glued to the screen. To help combat the addictive social media scroll, set a time limit on your social media and spend the majority of your time doing something more productive, like exercising, reading, or spending time with loved ones.

7. Handle & avoid Toxic Peoples

At some point in your life, you'll encounter people that may not have your best intentions at heart. If they don't support your goals, they bring you down, and they make you feel bad about yourself, they are a toxic person only holding you back from achieving success. If you realize that someone in your life is acting with malice, it's time to let go of that relationship. And even though ending relationships can be complex, if that person is producing negative energy in your life, it's not worth having them by your side. No matter how challenging it may be, you'll feel a weight lifted off your shoulders afterward. 

8. Saying "No" Effectively

Sometimes, we feel obligated to say yes. There are a lot of reasons for this. Usually, those reasons align with wanting to promote a good reputation for over-selves to be seen as helpful, useful, fun, or spontaneous. However, not being able to say "No" may force you to put the projects that really matter on the back burner. If you've experienced the inability to put your goals before your reputation, it may be time to reevaluate your priorities and that's okay. This doesn't mean you shouldn't be a good person. It just means that you'll need to identify how to prioritize your goals and actions. 

For example, the next time someone asks you to a party you don't want to go to, it's okay to say NO and use that time to work on one of your projects or goals.

9. Stop Multitasking and get work done 

Though it seems like an efficient solution, multitasking is detrimental to achieving your goals. When you attempt to focus on more than one thing at any given time, your focus becomes scattered. This can lead to silly mistakes, errors, and overall bad work. When you want something done right the first time, stop multitasking and start focusing. 

10. Stop making excuses and take responsibility 

Consider this to be your year of accountability. To achieve your goals, you must hold yourself accountable. And to do that, you must stop using excuses. A thing of every excuse you make pushes you further and further away from your goal. To find success, think about what's holding you back from achieving your goals. If the answer ties back to you in any way, write the excuses down and cut them out to encourage growth and success.  




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